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Announcing two exciting appointments to Irish Tag Rugby


The Irish Tag Rugby Association (ITRA) is delighted to announce the appointments of Matt Kennerson and Alex Mullin as the international tag programme’s Heads of Coaching and Performance respectively.

Matt Kennerson will act as Head of Coaching, with responsibility for supporting and developing the coaches of our international tag rugby squads. Matt recently coached the Irish Men’s 30s squad to a World Cup silver medal, and boasts a lengthy CV of coaching success in tag, touch rugby, and rugby league.

Alex Mullin will act as Head of Performance, as is responsible for the overall performance of teams and players within the programme. The role supports coaches in maximising the preparation of players for competition. Alex recently coached the Irish Mixed Senior squad to a World Cup bronze medal, and has played in three World Cups across two decades as an international tag player.

Working closely with Irish Tag Rugby Programme Director Simon Bewley and ITRA, Alex and Matt will have significant influence on selection policy, training schedules, and the overall design of the international tag programme in Ireland.

“We are delighted to confirm these two exciting appointments,” commented Irish Tag Rugby Programme Director Simon Bewley.

“Everyone who has been involved with Irish Tag Rugby in the last 10 years will know that both have a huge amount of expertise to offer.

“These are two hugely exciting appointments, and we have no doubt that people will be drawn to working with them and learning from them.”

Further appointments (to the Irish tag rugby management group) will be announced in due course, along with details as to how to apply for a coaching role with Irish Tag Rugby,



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